Long Time, No See!

Twenty months is a long time for a hiatus.

Sometimes… well, all the time… life happens. When life happens, some things don’t happen. When life happens, unexpected things happen. When life happens, too many things happen all at once, and overwhelm sets in for a visit.

It’s not like I haven’t done anything, I just haven’t done this thing called a blog post. So let’s catch up.

Since the last time we spoke via screen and keyboard, a lot of my life has changed.

  • We have gained three grandchildren!
  • We went to Europe for the first time, visiting Greece and Italy.
  • I started my own YouTube channel! Ephemeraphiles By Tomi
  • We are now foster parents!

A lot about life in general for most people has changed as well. My soapbox will be coming out often, my encouragement to to be kind and loving to one another will be called out from mountaintops again, and my love of life and joy and people and everything beautiful will still be evident in all I do.

I have missed writing. I have so much to share, so be forewarned!

Remember, you are loved.

Remember, you have a purpose.

And remember…

Be kind. Always.

1 thought on “Long Time, No See!

  1. April Broughton

    I am excited to find your blog and your YouTube channel. Your art is beautiful and so are your words.


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